

two summers ago i went with the fam to europe. a few days in rome, two and a half weeks in greece. ive had prints of these photos for a long time but never scanned them until yesterday, so i guess you can consider this "new shit". there's a lot more than these, so this is just a short summary of my trip.

while at dinner one day these french girls were singing in the streets of rome. not sure what the occasion was but their voices echoed down the alleys and streets. i grabbed my camera and ran accross the street and waited. i like it because its at the split second where this girl and i made eye contact.

off to greece. mom was psyched.

athens at night

that new Zorba single is the shit. oh shit wait, they got that new Syrtaki EP too. gotta pick that one up kit

greeks being greeks.

i have an odd amount of photos of random couples doing couple things from this trip.

off to limni, an island off of greece where my grandma (yia yia, in greek) is originally from. it was cool to see family members i never knew i had.
fishing and eating on the beach til the moon comes around the corner. i ate a sea urchin straight from the water this day.

my cousin francesco

more cousins. i mainly hung out with the girl in the tube the whole time. shes 5 and the only thing she knew how to say in english was 'cheese' and the only thing i really knew how to say in greek was 'podophles', which are sandals. somehow these were the only words exchanged through the whole time i was there and we were best buds

this might be my favorite photo i've ever taken (besides dan getting punched in the face by andrew). oddly enough, the dude could pass as a fatter version of me if i had a blonde girlfriend. prints of these photos will be in my upcoming photo show/t-shirt release party at division east thats gonna be sometime in late january i think.

also, thanks to steve marino for putting together the show last night. good turnout and a good time

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

looks like a great trip.