

I haven't had access to a camera for a long time, but I used Cus Route's camera and took some photos recently....

Cus and I moved into Midland this semester...he brought Sega, I brought THE GENIE

Only three weeks and we already have the mantle filled up...filthy.

The Chief would be so psyched on this one.

Thank you G. Wallace for the sweet shower curtain.

This makes a daily appearence in the garbage, way to go Cus...try and keep it hidden next time

Cus found this awesome Stencil in Spring Lake

On move in night, we went a little wild with some spray paint.

Some artwork for the new living room


Anonymous said...

game genie!

Nick said...

hahahaa. oh chief.

took me a while to figure out that was the quaker oats guy too. and then i laughed in my cubicle.