
sweating out my drunk so you can call me lame

hanging out in the short lived vertical room. keep staring at it.

not sure why it didn't stay up longer.

went to see wolf parade a couple weeks ago.
but first stop, pregaming with greg at the bar he tends.

it's called Raggs of Harlem. as if the name wasn't enough, they claim that it's "the bar of destruction". seems fitting.

and as you can see it's packed. greg only works sundays and it's like this all the time. hard to stay away from any alcohol you want when there's no one around.

and in true wolf parade fashion they were great. the new album should be sick.

and sadly, now we're up to the last days of midland. well, we already moved out, but that's what we're up to on jerk time.

moccasin city.

getting weird.

darren played the harmonica kind of.

after effects of getting weird.

then we threw doritos in eachothers mouths.

we really liked doritos this night.

shape being shape.

this was one of the many "last nights at midland" we had. as you can guess, joohn lodge had his ipod on the whole night.

john gettin some wall. does it still count as wall if you're on a fridge? steve help me out on this one.
it case you haven't peeped shawns new tattoo.

midland in a nut shell. five dudes trying to dance with one girl but giving up and dancing with each other instead.

fan fun.

don't put jalopenos in the fan and put your face in it. it stings.

ayyyyy there he is. some good ol' shot gunnin eh?

stooping it. hard.

beginning of the beer spitage.

secret stash.

this photo is so good, i decided to have you look at it every day by making it the banner.

this kid showed up on a bike saying it was his birthday. mark made him drink a lot.

the most effort dan will probably put into hitting on a girl.


beard bros.

mark out for a ride.

butt out for a ride to tierney's. he never came back. he's alive though don't worry.

dan v post egg throwage.

in case your screen is dark, this is tombo killing it.

birthday wishes! on a sad/weird/awkward note, we later found out that this kid was autistic. none the less, we made him feel welcome and spat beer on him (c'mon, this was before we knew he was autistic. he didn't even act like he was autistic!). akers face in this one is priceless.

ahhh, the part of the night where we scare girls away.

hand city.

woops. looks like butt actually did make it back.

decided to skate to quick check one last time with spice and steve at 3 am. they beefed it pretty hard on the way there.

then steve decided to try and "help us out" by cleaning up with a concoction of ketchup and drain cleaner.

good night.

this week bill pierce gave me the satanic lottery ticket that he won.

as you can see i won six dollars. we'll see if it's bad luck or not.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

new banner is grand. sick jerks becoming legit?