here's photos of spices 21st at midland...
whelp. i blew it cuz i wasn't there. love you bill.
went to prospect park to see our friends band, sam champion. me and greg went to high school with noah, the lead singer. pretty funny to watch them blow up. heres a video of the acoustic version of the song in the jerk player. acoustic version is better in my opinion

free koozies.
elvis perkins.
we went from awesomeness outside show, to a bar where the inside looked like this...

thanks ryan. no other documentation was needed. out of there asap.
a "mellow night"

"tell me this does not sound like fucking maroon 5"- gregs take on cold war kids.

big buck hunter. loser buys shots.
dude in the back with the beard is bryan. he might play drums in our band, beer girls, that were working on getting together. go here for demo shit recorded after coming in at 4 am. pretty funny to listen to stuff you recorded the next morning.
back to big buck. erik and his very unorthodox way of shooting
alcoholic economics 101. frequent bar where free pizza is served with every beer.
basket of za.

next day we watched the euro cup finals at this soccer bar. pretty intense. im not a big soccer fan, but for a rainy sunday afternoon, and when the whole bar is yelling and boozing heavily, you cant help but get into it. felt like we were at the stadium it was so loud.

slicked back german in the back getting rowdy.

espana! espana! espana! espana!
if i said we were in madrid for this game you probably couldnt argue.

helping out a honey dip in distress.
turkeysnesting in the park until the po comes.
got to see the hold steady play their last song by the time we got back.

paul mccartney's ram. stuck on the turntable. monkberry moon in the jerk player.
whelp. i blew it cuz i wasn't there. love you bill.
next day we watched the euro cup finals at this soccer bar. pretty intense. im not a big soccer fan, but for a rainy sunday afternoon, and when the whole bar is yelling and boozing heavily, you cant help but get into it. felt like we were at the stadium it was so loud.